Minggu, 15 Januari 2023

Jalanku aku

 Jalanku aku is one of my art.  I make song when I have difficult situation with my friend with my father with around of me. And then I create my art.  It's so story about me and my band the first time I make Jalanku aku is the begin I make band with worldiend. And now I make it for tittle my novel Ithink is so good and I hope it's to be a good movie I think that because I have inspiration from some people and I hope I can make to be a movie

The story about genius people around life sometimes he makes song,  sometimes he always study until he can have scholarship.  He always do his life until get PhD from scholarship and make some research about the world

Rabu, 04 Januari 2023

Process get ielts

 This is first time I very discipline for seize get score IELTS.  Before this i never follow examination IELTS just examination TOEFL since I college in graduated. I started from 2022 I start to study English. Before this time I was study English since I started to school  but not effective.  Finally I started study alone and now 1 years since I started study for examination IELTS

I maybe just always study from book,  youtube,  article, and much again I upgrade my skill like listening,  reading,  speaking and writing it's my journey I don't know when I examination IELTS I just learning everyday until midnight until morning actually so I much study I hope I get good achievements and I get good value from my examination later